Ocean News Round-Up from Skaana
Our new monthly bulletin about oceans, eco-ethics and the environment about for fans of fact-based reality and reality based facts
One of the Substacks I subscribe to is the Seaspiracy newsletter and when I saw that they now do a monthly news round-up I thought… instead of just including ocean news at the end of each newsletter we could do this too so…
Welcome to Skaana’s first monthly ocean news round-up. Our focus is on Canadian media because, even though we have listeners around the world, hey, we hit #1 in Iceland’s iTunes and #15 in Australia this month - Canadian news is being throttled by social media sites so…
Southern Resident Orcas
On the loss of J-60 (who should have died with a better name than J-60)
Orca calf missing, believed dead after pod encounter off San Juan Island - from CHEK News
Whale science
Photos of bear eating a whale showcase 'important part of the local food web': DFO | CBC News
The Whale That’s Known Only by the Sound of Its Voice - From the Hakai
Are endangered orcas prematurely aging? - from Wild Orca
Less than two in five British Columbians trust industry on fishing, coastal issues, says poll (If we keep doing our job I hope it’ll be less than one in 5 soon) from The Orca
Preserving biodiversity: 4 ways you can help protect threatened species and habitats in B.C. From the Times Colonist
And this is just fun:
So The Killer Whale Who Changed the World made this list: Books set in Washington
If there’s anything you’d like us to watch for and/or add for next month please share it in comments!
Thanks, as always, for your support!
PS To read about my non-Orca writing, please visit my personal Substack.